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Helping Computer Science Students Ace Technical Interviews: Fawziyah’s Experience as a CodePath Volunteer

The following account was shared by Fawziyah Alebiosu, a volunteer Technical Interview Coach at CodePath.

As an undergraduate, I took the Technical Interview Prep (TIP) 101 and 102 courses from CodePath over the summer. I wouldn’t have the job I have today without the training CodePath provided me. When I heard about the opportunity to give back to CodePath and become a Technical Interview Coach myself, I was delighted to join.

As a Technical Interview Coach, I met with my students once a week for an hour-long Zoom session. During the session, I helped them review the concepts they’d learned in class and practice for interviews. By the end of the 9-week course, my students had the confidence to handle actual job interviews.

This was an excellent professional growth opportunity for me as I had a chance to revisit skills that are still relevant to my career. When my last course concluded at the end of summer, students would come up to me to say how impactful my coaching had been for them and how it gave them the confidence to become software engineers. It was a beautiful full-circle moment as I remembered how my own CodePath coaches inspired me to be a software engineer — and now I get to pay that forward.

CodePath is doing a wonderful job of teaching  the practical aspects of a computer science degree. Students get to see how theoretical concepts can be applied to real-world problems, and they develop the confidence to be able to write code for any application.

Volunteering with CodePath has done so much for me personally and professionally. It will absolutely change your life — and your students’ lives too!

Volunteer and help students launch their careers in tech! Learn more, and sign up today.